World Usability Day 2018 | Turin

World Usability Day 2018 | Turin

November 8, 2018

World Usability Day 2018 | Turin

Torino, Piemonte

November 8, 2018
until November 9
All Day
How to Attend
map marker icon
in person

Host City

Torino Piemonte,

World Usability Day 2018 | Turin

The full-day event program includes a Research track and an Industrial track, dedicated to academic and commercial stakeholders. Two workshops will allow us to go into dept and make the experience of the core concepts of UX motivation and service design in a safety-critical context.


WUD Torino

Relevant facts that happened in 2018 have raised crucial ethical issues on innovation technology that design has to contribute to solutions.  The WUD Torino 2018 will start from the recent events to explore the following issues:
– Politics and Ergonomics
– Ergonomics of social impact
– Ethics and deontology of the digital ergonomists, UX design, and User research
– UX and Dark pattern
– Cases and tools of persuasive communication
– Good and bad design best-practices
– Human-Robot Interaction: artificial intelligence and ethics
– Brain-Computer Interaction: a good or a bad thing?
– Interaction design for children

8th of November, 2018
WUDTo2018 website:
Research track Registration:
Industrial track Registration:

9th of November, 2018


Event Leaders

The WUD Torino 2018 is organized by SIE, the Italian Society of Ergonomics, the University of Turin, in collaboration with Architecta, the Italian Society of Information Architecture.


[IT] Italian (Italiano)