Beyond Design Thinking: Ukraine’s Design Community

Beyond Design Thinking: Ukraine's Design Community

May 11, 2022

Beyond Design Thinking: Ukraine's Design Community

Kyiv, Kyiv City

May 11, 2022
12:00 - 13:30
How to Attend
laptop with video conference icon

Host City

Kyiv Kyiv City,

Beyond Design Thinking: Ukraine's Design Community

World Usability Day Speaker Series kicks of the 2022 season with an engaging presentation by Maksym Tchachuk, a Ukrainian designers and manager, who explores design growth in Ukraine.

Ukraine has a vibrant design community and despite the war, they are working hard. Recently Maksym launched initiative. As they call it “iterative design gym online”, a place where design meets business.

Maksym’s team works toward opening an institute of design, where they will educate the new generation of designers.

Register for the event here

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