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DIBP - World Usability Day 2013
As part of the Word Usability Day calendar of events, The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) will be hosting an exciting program of seminars, demonstrations and workshops presented by some of Australia’s leading lights in UCD, UX and Accessibility. Presenting agencies include Vision Australia, IP Australia, Stamford Interactive and more.
8:45 am
9:10 am
Opening Remarks
Matt Yannopoulos
Chief Information Officer, Technology Services Division
9:45 am
Scott Ashwin (IP Australia)
‘Accepting compromised user interfaces’
Vision Australia
‘Accessible Design: A non-technical ‘How to guide’, Part 1
Morning Tea 10:15 am
Duncan Stevenson (Australian National University)
‘Tertiary Telehealth: Outpatient consultations for paediatric surgical patients’
Vision Australia
‘Accessible Design: A non-technical ‘How to guide’, Part 2
11:30 am
James Robertson (Step Two Design)
‘The importance of field research when designing for health workers’
Lunch 12:30 pm
1:30 pm
Stamford Interactive
‘Building and measuring your accessibility maturity’
‘Tour of the Usability Lab’
2:30 pm
Darren Menachemson (ThinkPlace)
‘Public design in challenging places’
Likhasinh Sayasane and Olya Melnikov (Department of Immigration and Border Protection)
‘Aligning design and accessibility – links and icons’
Afternoon Tea 3:15 pm
3:45 pm
Caronne Caruthers-Taylor (Department of Social Services)
‘How UX design changed task completion from 0% to 100%’
4:45 pm
Closing Remarks
Susan Pegg
Assistant Secretary, Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence Branch
5:00 pm close