Milan, Italy 2018


WUDMilan 2018 – What is good or what is evil is a matter of human choice

World Usability Day is back in Milan for the third consecutive year.

Starting from this year’s theme, “Design for Good or Evil”, we called the Milan initiative for 2018 “WUD Milan: What is good or what is evil is a matter of human choice“.
Our intent for this event is to create a moment in which to share experiences and heterogeneous realities to ignite a conversation on this topic.

Also this year the event is co-organized by the University of Milan-Bicocca, Avanade Italy and Microsoft.

Good or Evil

The world is constantly evolving and each day we witness facts and events that amaze or frighten us.

Nowadays we no longer just expect products and experiences to be usable or accessible, we expect these to have ethical qualities that are desirable and engaging.

We wish to start our discussion from the assumption that the principle of good design is at the base of the most successful and innovative companies. This concept has been widely discussed and witnessed.

So, through our declination of the theme we want to go beyond the intrinsic meaning of good and bad design by asking these questions:

  • What is the role of the designer in the design of products, services or experiences?
  • What is people’s role in the process of choosing and benefiting from experiences and artifacts?

Our ideas and discussion around these questions have led to inspire the topics that will be covered by our speakers.

Microsoft House
Viale Pasubio, 21
Milano, Italy