Host City
In our theme “Our Health,” we seek to explore information technology and interactive systems that provide health care in all its many forms such as virtual/telematics health, electronic health records, health care products, and all solutions related to digital health. This theme will help us explore timely and important issues such as continuity of care, access to care, telemedicine, mental health systems, exercise, nutrition, and many others. In addition, Our Health includes health issues related to environmental issues such as the impact of air and water pollution on health.
Organized by
Computer Science Dept of University of Turin
Computer Science Dept of Polytechnic of Turin
Scientific Committee:
Cristina Gena – Computer Science Dept, ICxT – University of Turin
Luigi De Russis – Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica, Polytechnic of Turin
Maristella Matera – Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria – Polytechnic of Milan
Massimo Zancanaro – University of Trento and Fondazione Bruno Kessler – FBK
Organizing Committee:
Claudio Mattutino – Computer Science Dept – University of Turin
Valentina Di Noi – Computer Science Dept – University of Turin
[IT] Italian (Italiano)