World Usability Day 2012 @Netherlands

World Usability Day 2012 @Netherlands

November 8, 2012

World Usability Day 2012 @Netherlands

Utrecht, Utrecht

November 8, 2012
09:00 - 17:00
How to Attend
map marker icon
in person

Host City

Utrecht Utrecht,

World Usability Day 2012 @Netherlands

A practical and effective mix of presentations and workshops for insights into the latest usability methods & tools.


09.00 Doors open/ Introduction

10.00 Presentations by practitioners (Apple/ ATAG/ Happen/ P5)

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Methods & Tools sessions by researchers

16.30 Presentation Design for Usability book & UCD Toolbox

17.00 Drinks

Event Leaders

Prof. Ir. D.J. van Eijk (Daan)