Usability Day in Colombia – Why is usability a key issue for a better world?


Usability Day in Colombia

November 14, 2024
09:00 - 17:00
How to Attend
map marker icon map laptop with video conference
in person or remotely

Host City

Duitama Boyacá,


Usability Day in Colombia

Usability Day in Colombia will be a hybrid event with an academic agenda and a challenge for usability design in a better world. The Usability Award will also be presented. Three of the most important universities in Colombia participate in this annual meeting.

Who Should Attend

Usability treated as an interdisciplinary problem to provide solutions adapted to the needs of individuals to perform in a better world.


9:00 Welcome to the usability day
9:15 Why usability is a key topic for a better world?
Juan A Castillo- M PhD. Professor U. Rosario
9:45 Usability experiences at UPTC
Professor : Claudia Rojas R; Fabian Alfredo Torres; Fernando Camelo P. – UPTC
10:45 Accessibility in the digital era
Jorge E. Mejía DI. Professor U. Javeriana
11:15 Activation based on gamification for creative processes
Carlos M. Monsalve DI- Kaboom

12:00 Lunch

13:30 Presentation of the distinction for innovation in usability
13:45 Challenge: innovating for a better world with usability
Fabian Torres – UPTC



Juan A. Castillo-M PhD. – Universidad del Rosario

Claudia Isabel Rojas R. PhD – UPTC

Hernán Ortiz Salamanca  DI- UNAD

Fabian Alfredo Torres; Mg. Di-UPTC

Fernando Camelo P. – PhD. DI -UPTC


Event Leaders

Taller 11 Grupo de Investigación en Diseño de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC)

Grupo de Investigación GiSCYT. Universidad del Rosario

CARE- Asociación Colombiana de Investigadores en Ergonomía

Escuela de Ciencias Básicas Tecnología e Ingeniería- Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia  UNAD


[ES] Spanish (Español)
