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for World Usability Day Leipzig
On thursday, 12th of November, WUD Leipzig will take place for the fourth time.
Since a couple of weeks we’re busy preparing and setting up everything. Despite the coronavirus pandemic we want to conduct this event with all the guests from past years – and maybe some additional ones. So we’re searching for ways to have this Event take place no matter the situation – in case of doubt we’ll have it be a remote conference!
If you want to stay tuned on how things are processing, check out on Facebook and Twitter 🙂
Right now our Call for Participation is ongoing, you can check it out via https://www.itsonix.eu/wud/
We’re looking forward to meting you at WUD Leipzig!
Event Leaders
The organiser is IT Sonix custom development GmbH, an IT-company focused on the development ofspecificsoftwaresolutions and onthe customisation ofstandardised software. Usability Engineeringand User Centered Designthereforeplay a vital and elementary role. IT Sonix speciality department for User Experience Design wants to underline this role by hosting the annual World Usability Day in Leipzig.
[DE] German (Deutsch)