WUD Zurich 2021

World Usability Day Zurich 2021

November 11, 2021
All Day
How to Attend
map marker icon
in person

Host City

Zürich Zurich,

World Usability Day Zurich 2021

Have you always wondered what the ethical compass is? How can we include this, especially for people with special support needs?

How we bring our customers home because we have to trust a trustless technology and lose our integrity to ourselves in order to end up in the hospital so that UX in Healthcare helps us get back on our feet.

This year you can expect 6 lectures, 3 workshops and a panel discussion.

Tickets: https://uxschweiz.ch/events/world-usability-day-2021/


Program: https://uxschweiz.ch/events/world-usability-day-2021-programm/


[DE] German (Deutsch)
