Students learning about usability

Students learning about usability

November 4, 2019

Students learning about usability

Wellington, Wellington
New Zealand

November 4, 2019
until November 8
All Day
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Wellington Wellington,
New Zealand

Students learning about usability

In New Zealand, a new Digital Technologieseducation achievement standard is being introduced… A copy can be found here. Our year 11 students (ages 15ish) have just sat an exam to demonstrate what they know. The basis of their studies can be found in the Computer Science Field Guide section on Human-Computer Interaction. As part of preparing Year 11 students for this exam, we start teaching heuristics from Years 9 and  10 (ages 13-14). To commemorate “World Usability Day” we will be running a multi-choice test across our Year 10 class – with prizes over the next week or so.


[EN] English (English)